CyberFair Project ID: 8703

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Phoenix Singing in Dongshan, Inheriting the Beiguan Music
Category: 8. Local Music and Art Forms

School: Dong Shan Elementary School Changhua County
    Changhua, , Taiwan

9 students, ages 8-12 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 4, 2023. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 0


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Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

The area of Dacun and Yuanlin City was developed by Han Chinese settlers during the Yongzheng period(1723-1735), which was later a part of Yanwu Shangxia Fort. The first settler was Shi Shibang. By around the 16th year of the Qianlong reign, Yuanlin had developed into a street town called 'Yuanlinzi Street'. Because the early settlers had cleared the land from all directions, leaving circular plots of land as a memorial, it was named Yuanlinzi. The area is also known as 'Linzi Street' because of the lush trees surrounding the people’s houses .

Many of the village leaders in Yuanlin also preserved the culture of Beiguan music, such as Dongshan Fongliyuan in Dongshan Village and Fuxingxuan in Wannian Village, both of which are Beiguan groups with a history of more than a hundred years. In addition, because of Yuanlin's excellent geographical location, some people began to turn surplus fruits from the central and southern regions into preserved fruit candies, making Yuanlin the most famous place for producing such snacks.

2. Summary of Our Project

Beiguan music is an important representation of Chinese culture, especially in Taiwan, where Changhua is known as the stronghold of Beiguan music with the highest number of “Xuanyuan” (Beiguan music groups) members registered. However, due to its aging members, young people are less inclined to join Xuanyuan. The younger generation may also face opposition from parents who have biased views towards the parade culture and may not understand the essence of Beiguan music.

Changhua has a nationally designated preservation group, Lichunyuan, and four county-level preservation groups: Dongshan Fongliyuan, Changhua Lifangyuan, Lukang Yuchinyuan, and Changhua Rongleyuan. Our school, Dong Shan Elementary School, is also dedicated to promoting Beiguan music and has a deep relationship with Dongshan Fongliyuan, which has been in existence for over a century and provides community outreach to pass on this traditional music to the next generation. Therefore, we have decided to utilize the cultural advantages of our location to introduce Beiguan music and showcase its lively atmosphere in daily life, including Beiguan music performances in homes, temple processions, and parade performances.

Dongshan Fongliyuan, a local Beiguan music group near Dong Shan Elementary School, was founded by Mr. Lin Chaohu in 1948, and named Fongliyuan. The group has been passed down for three generations by Lin Chaohu, Cao Changchun, and Cao Rongyuan, who are passionate about traditional arts, Beiguan opera, and music. This group has a history of over a century, and we will focus on Dongshan Fongliyuan to gain a better understanding of the history and techniques of Beiguan music, and to actively preserve and promote traditional arts and Beiguan music.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

We learned about the importance and significance of Beiguan in Taiwan through interviews with local elders and their experiences and stories. Throughout this process, we constantly discover the profound nature of Beiguan and understood the crisis of its inheritance. We actively participated in club activities and performance promotions, and we even inquired about more opportunities to perform from our teachers because we wanted to let more people know Beiguan music and continue the tradition. We enjoyed every performance and strived to become ambassadors for the inheritance of Beiguan music culture, continuing to promote Beiguan music with great efforts.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

Participating in the 2023 Web Expo is a new learning experience for students. In the past, students were accustomed to being taught by teachers, but this time they need to actively gather information, visit different experts and teachers, and participate in various experiential activities. The change in learning method is the biggest challenge for students. Fortunately, through group cooperation, everyone learned to divide up the tasks, communicate and coordinate with each other, and complete various research and activities one by one.

In addition, we also encountered the problems of insufficient time and inadequate webpage production skills. Because the nine students come from different grade levels and classes, it is difficult to find common times to carry out activities. In order to avoid sacrificing their regular learning time, the research progress is delayed. Time is also required to teach students to be proficient in various application software operations to create a perfect project webpage!

5. Our Project Sound Bite

Beiguan music takes root in schools for sustainable inheritance. We further promote our Beiguan music to the people of the Dongshan area, so that more people can come and participate in our Friday night practices.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

Language: Through multiple discussions, field visits, progress reports, and interviews with the public, we have learned to utilize social resources, cultivate diverse writing skills and simple interviewing techniques, derive conclusions from questionnaires, and enhance our ability to analyze texts.

Social Research: Through this research project, we gained a deeper understanding of Beiguan music in Yuanlin, Changhua. We hope to raise awareness of the importance of preserving traditional Beiguan music, as well as its underlying values. This is also an alternative way of promoting culture.

Art: Through our visits to artists and exhibitions, we learned photography skills such as composition, capturing angles, and close-up shots. We also learned many concepts of creating beautiful images through web design and drawing. By browsing other websites, we discovered different website features. Additionally, through visiting Beiguan music artists, we learned to appreciate the connotation and cultural heritage of Beiguan culture.

Information Technology: From the initial document organization to the final website production, we encountered various software and hardware, understood the usage methods of different programs, and used diverse programs to create our own website. By browsing a multitude of websites, we can increase our understanding of Beiguan culture and make the website content richer.

Mathematics: In our website production, we transformed statistical data into graphs for display through questionnaire surveys, and found out majority opinions from interpreting the graphs.

Integrated Activities: Through collective activities, we can understand mutual assistance and cooperation, learn how to distribute work, understand everyone's strengths, and make the most of our own strengths. When there are different opinions, we ask questions and discuss them together. Ultimately, we work together to complete the tasks.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

Camera were used to take photos and videos, Tablets were used to record interviews and voice recordings, Headset were used to transcribe interviews into text, Computer were used to search for data, process text and images, and create web pages, Printer were used to print interview content and related research information, USB drive were used to store files, data, etc. Microsoft Office Word were used to edit text, Google Drive were used to collect and organize materials, Mobile phone, email were used to contact relevant persons and share data, Adobe Dreamweaver were used to edit web pages, Microsoft Paint were used to insert text descriptions for images, Google Forms were used to create and analyze questionnaires, Microsoft Office Excel were used to create charts.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

Since we began researching the topic of 'Phoenix Singing in Dongshan, Inheriting the Beiguan Music,' we have taken action in various ways, including conducting interviews, collecting data, and creating a website, all with the aim of helping people better understand 'Beiguan'. In our research on Beiguan music, we interviewed three Beiguan teachers and two local literati to collect data, and we also participated in two live Beiguan performance events. Through the website, we will disseminate what we have learned in this research project, allowing global audiences to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of our local Dongshan Beiguan music.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

During the research process, we had the opportunity to interact with many individuals in our community who are involved in the Beiguan (traditional wind and percussion music) culture. We could feel their professionalism and passion, and our visit showed our recognition and respect towards them. For instance, after our visit, Master Liu Wen-Yu showed strong support of the Beiguan club in our school by inviting our students to participate in the Yuanlin Parade, which provided them with the opportunity to experience the Beiguan music in a traditional folk event.

Due to the promotion by Master Tsao Jung-yuan and Principal Li Shi-Xun, Dongshan Fongliyuan also provides classes at our school every Friday, enabling more local children to learn and inherit this traditional music and culture.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

To collect data, we interviewed three Beiguan masters and two local dignitaries. We also visited temples to understand the history of the Beiguan culture in Dongshan, and the four major guild halls in Changhua to learn about the promotion and prosperity of Beiguan in Changhua. Besides the individuals mentioned in our website content, such as Director General Chang Chueh-Fen, Captain Tsao Jung-yuan, Captain Liu Wen-Yu, Director Lin Chao-Yang, Master Wu Ching-Fa, Acting Director Lin Ta-Yu, Secretary-General Wu Ju-Yi, Mr. Tsai Shun-Yuan, and Mr. Lee Chiu-Feng, many other people provided assistance and information, and consulted with us, which enabled us to complete this research project.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

We discovered that learning Beiguan music not only requires serious practice but also good memory skills. For example, because Beiguan music is written in gongche notation, we have to memorize it after the teacher plays it, then record it. If we did not have a teacher, we would not be able to read gongche notation . Through this opportunity, we had the chance to delve deeper into the world of Beiguan music, which was very exciting and rare! It allowed us to understand the knowledge and mysteries of Beiguan music, and we also gained a sense of accomplishment and had a lot of fun in the learning process.

Through these interviews, we truly understood the saying, 'Practice makes perfect,' which greatly increased our knowledge of Beiguan music. We also learned that no matter what profession you pursue, as long as you work hard and diligently, you will achieve something. Overall, I learned that it is not easy to be as excellent as the teacher, and you need extraordinary perseverance to persist and stick to your beliefs. Every experiential activity was also a valuable experience that benefited me greatly.


View our CyberFair Project (Project ID: 8703)

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