CyberFair Project ID: 5829

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Ordinary environment extraordinary art
Category: 7. Environmental Awareness

School: School (hongsibaomiddleschool)
    ningxiawuzhongcity, ningxiaProvince, china

5 students, ages 15-18 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on February 28, 2009. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2003

Classes and Teachers: Chewanxia and Yang ting

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

Hongsbao immigrants are one area in Ningxia,Hongsibao school is the only one High School.

2. Summary of Our Project

Environment is the key point of the concern. Our everyday life and study is not that good. But we have no idea to change it, as the normal kids with the teachers, we find the artwork is not that normal. The stone, woolline, mud, the kids creat the unusual artwork. I think about it. Our main theme is using the rubbish for the artwork. It bring the new challenge and thinking: mainly on the observation and research, we hope we can protect the world and then not big money on the artwork.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:none

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:2-3

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

We take the environment protection as our duty, but observe the life and change the environment is our duty. We can create the life from different view. To teach the people no litter. Through this research, we love life more.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

We have the enthusiasm and confidence. Through this research, we have good relations with many tour resource. We are confident. The whole webpage is from the internet. We follow the property, all the details is from the memo. All the photo we take and related photo is from the webpage.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

Environment is the key point of the concern. Our everyday life and study is not that good. But we have no idea to change it, as the normal kids with the teachers, we find the artwork is not that normal.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

We have the enthusiasm and confidence. Through this research, we have good relations with many tour resource.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

Hardware: computer, camera, flash disk, notebook Software: Dreamweaver?Photoshop?Microsoft Word?Internet Explorer

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

We take the environment protection as our duty, but observe the life and change the environment is our duty. We can create the life from different view. To teach the people no litter.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

We have different other people's enthusiasm and confidence , Through this study, We know a lot of classmates were observed around the environment, Also understand the nature lovers.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

We have the enthusiasm and confidence. Through this research, we have good relations with many tour resource. We are confident.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

We follow the property, all the details is from the memo.


View our CyberFair Project (Project ID: 5829)

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